Today, (January 21st, 2023) just happens to be my birthday!! Today I thought I'd share some of my insights into living my very best life... 1) Don't worry about what others think of you ; just get on and be yourself. People will always criticise you or a situation, whether they like it, (or you), or not. Criticism is a common human trait. This life is also your life - who gives a rat's razoo what others think!! Dance that ridiculous dance! Wear those 70's hippy pants! Write that poem! Start that business, go on that journey, and just get on with it! 2) Make your ACTIONS count as your ACTIONS speak way louder than words: I grew up in a very humble and frugal home. What we 'did' for each other and others outside our family meant FAR MORE than the words we could give. Oddly enough my brother, sister and I have all grown up being very articulate in our words BUT I still believe that ACTIONS count - immensely. 3) 'Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto y...
A week ago I wrote my blog about facing a challenge and coming to a crossroads in my life. Many of you were kind enough to message me about 'just going for it' and not being afraid to take the plunge and do something different. This week I want to write about understanding change, understanding your fears, being able to overcome them, and being able to take the right action. It's very easy as a bystander to look across and think to yourself 'Oh she/he'll be alright,' 'What can I say to XYZ (friend) ?' or 'Hell... I feel really sad for XYZ (friend) but how the heck do I help?' Let's examine it all... Understanding change As a younger woman - I was fearless. I was bold and daring, and I loved the buzz of a calculated risk. 'Change' was to be embraced. The old saying was that 'Change was as good as a holiday' meaning if you wanted but couldn't get that holiday buzz, then go do something different - simple! However, time tak...